Quality and environment policy
The Lamp company, specialising in interior and exterior lighting design, development and production with a supply voltage not exceeding 1000v, is committed to quality and respect for the environment as strategic factors related to products and services offered.
Our fundamental intention is to fully satisfy our clients, by fulfilling and surpassing their expectations and by causing the lowest possible environmental impact. This philosophy is basically part of the application and implementation of the following points:
- Lamp products must comply with all legal regulations required by Spanish and European (CE) Regulations.
- Compliance with applicable legislation and regulations in environmental matters, as well as with voluntary requirements that have been subscribed to.
- A quality and environmental management system based on the UNE- EN-ISO 9001:2015 y UNE- EN-ISO 14001:2015 regulation, that facilitates work and continual improvement of supplied products and services in a way that respects the environment.
- The establishment of continual improvement objectives regarding quality and the environment, consistent with the impact of our business and with this policy.
- Continual improvement. To achieve continual improvement by applying a Management System that includes the establishment of objectives and aims, the carrying out of periodic audits and appropriate reviews of the System itself.
- Our products and the attention paid to our clients are primary objectives for the staff of the Company, that in this regard must stand out from the competition. Therefore, the concept of Quality and the Environment is applied to all people, activities and levels of the Company, including not only the products but also the duties assigned to each employee, internal and external relations and the corporate image that is offered to the outside world.
- To protect the environment and to prevent pollution that can be caused by activities, installations, products or services of Lamp, taking into account new and planned developments and new and planned activities, products or services.
- Study and develop new products incorporating fundamental parameters of sustainability from their conception: Circularity, renewability, high energy savings and use of sustainable and non-toxic materials.
- Manufacture LED luminaires that reduce their blue shade emissions that are harmful to the retina, using light sources that activate people's circadian cycle, influencing their well-being through their visual, emotional and physiological impact.
- The regular suppliers of the Company are selected depending on, apart from financial and service issues, on their degree of acceptance of our Quality and Environmental System, to such an extent that they can be considered as an integral part of our system.
- All Lamp employees must participate actively in the implementation of this philosophy of action based on the Quality of their individual, departmental and Company work.
- All people in all areas of Lamp must plan their activities and that of their direct collaborators, so that the above points are complied with and so that the objectives are realised:
- Adaptation of products to the needs of the market
- Commitment to service in the market
- Continual improvement of the Quality and Environmental System
To achieve these objectives, the necessary human resources and materials will be made available and the methods and systems used will be improved, in such a way that both ourselves and our suppliers can fulfill the maxim "do it quickly and well, but above all, do it well".
The Management of Lamp assures that this Policy shall be regularly reviewed for its continual adaptation and shall be distributed throughout the whole Organisation, to our partners and the general public, using the channels of communication considered to be the most efficient for this.